Amazon (AWS) AMI quick install
some notes for AWS deployment
Huge thank you to @JohnnyLE for building this Install and writing the guide! You are an amazing help to the community.
Step 1: Login into AWS console and select EC2 to launch new instance.
Step 2: Under AMI menu tab, search public AMI (ami-0e03f96e) as bellow, the click launch button.
Step 3: Launch new instance from AMI (ami-0e03f96e). Follow the step from aws console, Security Group should be enable at least port 80 & 22.
Type keypair name, download your keypair and click Launch
Step 4: Access the app, after launched successful the AMI, you will see the public IP to access the app as bellow
And it's ready to go.
This AMI also included phpmyadmin so after launched you can access phpmyadmin as url http://{your IP}/phpmyadmin. the default account (root/pss1@#)
Other note:
- This AMI was built base on Bitnami LAMP stack, so for more information to use this AMI, please checkout the document here - If you got some issues with SMTP mail server, you can install SMTP server in this EC2 very easy with Posfix by follow these steps
Good luck!
Updated less than a minute ago