Upgrading from v1.0.0

How to upgrade

Attention! you can use also our most stable version (for example 1.0.0 tag). But to use Symfony 2.8, you need to upgrade to 1.1.0

System requirements for version 1.1.0.

PHP Version

Please be careful to use PHP version 5.4 and higher, but not PHP7.

If you deployed wealthbot.io to a VPS server (amazon aws, digitalocean, etc), check your PHP version:

SSH to server, then run php -v command.

PHP Extensions

We use MongoDB and APC cache, and you need to install these 2 extensions (apc or apcu and mongo)

Vagrant VirtualBox VM Update
  1. Please update your VirtualBox software to use latest version, and be careful to not install PHP7 instead of PHP5.

  2. In this version, you need to run vagrant provision after vagrant up command.


To upgrade a version 1.0.0 install, open the terminal and run the following commands line-by-line:

# Connect to server
ssh [email protected]
# Change directory to wealthbot root
cd /var/www/wealthbot_root/
# Checkout master branch
git checkout master
# Stash your changes (git stash, optional) , then make Git Pull
git pull
# Install dependencies from composer.lock
composer install
# Clear the cache
php app/console cache:clear -e prod
# Clear the APC cache
php app/console apc:clear -e prod
# Validate the Doctrine database schema
php app/console doctrine:schema:validate -e prod


Upgrading Forks

If you forked the main repository, you need to merge latest changes to your fork and then run the commands mentioned above.

Note: First, update your fork from the origin repository with this git command:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/wealthbot-io/wealthbot.git

For more information, check this github article (https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/)


Run PHPUnit tests before and after upgrade process and compare the results.

Thank you for upgrading wealthbot.io!